February 19, 2023

Sysargv, Argparse & Function Docstring

1 Sysargv

This is a simple script.
import sys

print(__doc__)	# output: docstring

print(sys.argv)	# output: System argument vector

2 Argparse

2.1 Example 1

This is a simple script.
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('echo', help="the string you want to write to the file")
args = parser.parse_args()



2.2 Example 2

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('x', help="the value for x", type=int)
parser.add_argument('y', help="the value for y", type=int)
parser.add_argument('-f', '--formula', help="the formula you'd like to run",
                    choices=["power", "subtract"], default="power")

args = parser.parse_args()

if args.formula == "power":
    print(args.x ** args.y)
elif args.formula == "subtract":
    print(args.x - args.y)



3 Function Docstring

3.1 One-line Docstring

This is a simple function with a simple one-line docstring. Notice how the docstring is written as a command, “Return the value…” not a description “This function returns the value…”

def add_2(num):
    """Return the value of num + 2."""
    return_num = num + 2
    return num

3.1.1 Printing Docstrings

We can print doc strings by printing the doc attribute of the function. This is a built-in attribute and all objects have it (even if the value is None).

Many editors and IDEs have special functionality / commands to print docstrings. For example, if you write the ‘?’ key after a function name, in Jupyter Notebook, and then evaluate the cell, it will open a window with the docstrings. See the example below.

# Below is an example of printing the docstring directly




# Below is an example of using Jupyter Notebooks '?' command

3.2 Multi-line Docstrings

A multi-line docstring provide more information but it still starts with single line description, followed by a blank line, and then a more detailed description. The more detailed description includes a description of the arguments, the return value(s), exceptions that the function raises, and any side effects. It may also included references to similar functions and other helpful information.

def circle(radius):
    """Return the circumference and area of a circle, given the radius.
    radius : float, int
        the radius of the circle.
    circumference : float
        the circumference of the circle.
    area : float
        the area of the circle.
    circumference = 2*math.pi*radius
    area = math.pi*(radius**2)
    return circumference, area

3.2.1 Printing Docstrings

# method 1

# method 2


# Python