February 21, 2023

3 Modeling Techniques

1 Modeling Methods

# Modeling Methods Response Variable: Numerical /Categorical Supervised or Unsupervised Strategy
1 Linear & Polynomial Regression Numerical Supervised Error Based
Minimizing Error
2 Logistic Regression Categorical (Binary) Supervised Maximizing Likelihood
3 Discriminant Analysis Categorical Supervised
4 K Nearest Neighbor Categorical Supervised Similarity Based
5 Decision and Regression Trees Categorical + Numerical Supervised Information Based
6 Naïve Bayes Categorical Supervised Probability Based
7 Neural Networks Numerical + Categorical Supervised Mimicking Human Brain
8 Clustering Unsupervised
9 Principal Component Analysis Unsupervised
10 Support Vector Machines Categorical Supervised Error Based
11 ARIMA : Time Series Numerical Supervised Auto Regression & Moving

2 Estimation or Classification

Goals of Machine Learning Application: Estimation or Classification

3 Classification of Modeling Methods

Response Variable

Supervised or unsupervised


4 Supervised vs. Unsupervised

Supervisor learning is the most common learning type where there is a target/output variable (which is also called supervisor)

Unsupervised learning has NO target variable


5 Classifying Based on Strategy to Build a Model

5.1 Error based learning

In error-based machine learning


5.2 Similarity Based Learning

Compute the distance matrices between objects


5.3 Information Based Learning

Learn by Asking Questions


5.4 Probability Based Learning

Provides a way to compute reverse probability.

Given P(B|A) , we can compute P(A|B)

P(A|B) = P(B|A)P(A)/P(B)

Naïve Assumption: Assuming Variable Independence

5.5 Mimicking the Human Brain: Neural Networks


Deep Learning: Complex set of Neural Networks with many layers of processing


Main Applications of Deep Learning Neural Networks

# DS# ML# Data Mining