February 26, 2023

7 Multi Variable Regression

1 Multiple Variables Regression


How a response variable y changes as the predictor (explanatory) variables x1 , x2 , … xn change

In a n variable regression,

y = \beta_1x_1+\beta_2x_2+\beta_3x_3+...+\beta_nx_n+c

Regression Strategy

Same strategy used in the 2-variable regression: The least-squares regression line of y and x is the line that makes

2 Correlation between Multiple Variables

2.1 Correlation Matrix

Definition: Correlation

A correlation matrix shows the linear correlation between each pair of variables under consideration in a multiple regression model

Predictor Variables Selection Criteria in Multi Regression


Multi-collinearity exists between 2 explanatory (predictor) variables if they have a high linear correlation

3 Normality of Residuals



4 Test Individual Regression Coefficients for Significance

4.1 Coefficient: p-value

Since both p-values are sufficiently small

If the p-value for the slope coefficient is large

5 Example


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